The holidays are quickly approaching, and it’s time to give thanks — so thanks for being Clean&Safe! We truly appreciate all of our customers, from the largest to the smallest. After all, you’re the reason we’re here! We enjoy listening to your stories, and we love to hear how our products have helped you solve a problem. We’re also thankful for your customers — without their projects, you wouldn’t be buying our products! We’re always thankful for your testimonials and referrals, too — we know there are a lot of surface protection products out there, and we think it’s a great honor anytime you refer another contractor to us.
Build Local, Buy Local
We’re thankful for our Clean&Safe contractors and remodelers, but we’d also like to thank our dealers! During this holiday season and throughout the year we encourage you to shop locally whenever possible. We have established dealers who carry our products throughout the U.S. and Canada. If there’s a dealer in your area they’ll be happy to provide the surface protection products you need. Plus, when you buy our products directly from your local dealer there’s no wait for shipping, which is great for those times when you need it yesterday. Interested in becoming a dealer? Just let us know!
Many Thanks
At KS International, Inc., we have so much to be thankful for. We’re thankful we can provide high-quality reusable surface protection products that are environmentally friendly. We’re thankful we have an excellent customer service team that is always happy to answer questions, provide solutions and process your orders quickly. And we’re thankful for our warehouse crew that get our products out the door and on their way to you each and every day. After all, it’s our goal to help our builders, contractors and remodelers keep their projects Clean&Safe!
From all of us at KS International, have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!