The Clean&Safe Team with be at the Builder show Las Vegas this year, will you?
The winter of 2015-2016 has already brought us a lot of surprises. Snow in the Grand Canyon. Blizzards in Texas. Heat waves on the East Coast. Sometimes just getting to Las Vegas for the International Builders’ Show each January can be an adventure in itself. With all the headaches and hassles of winter travel, our friends and customers often ask us, “Why do you bother going to a trade show in Vegas in January? Is all the trouble really worth it?”
To that we respond with a resounding, “Yes!” The trade shows we attend through the year are our big chance to meet our customers face to face. It’s our chance to say hello in person to long-time clients we only know by their voice on the phone, or an email address online. It’s our chance to talk with potential buyers one-on-one, to demonstrate our surface protection products and let you see and feel the difference first hand. It’s our chance to put a face to a name, to listen to your often humorous success stories (like when John knocked over a gallon of paint onto a new $10,000 floor, thankfully protected with Clean&SafePro). Yes, we’re even happy to hear your criticisms.
So yes, it is worth it – it’s worth it because of you. It’s worth it because we put our builders, contractors, remodelers and restoration specialists first. Plus we have amazing products that do an excellent job at protecting floors, stairs and just about anything else you might need to protect, and we’ll be more than happy to discuss the many uses and benefits for as long as you’ll let us talk!
In a few days we’ll be braving this winter’s crazy weather, the joys of airline travel and the organized chaos that always comes with any trade show, especially one as big as IBS. If you decide to make the journey to Las Vegas with us, please stop by booth #C7146, say hello and tell us a story or two. Safe travels!