Floor Protection a Sure Bet at IBS 2016

Predictions for unpredictable winter weather turned out to be a winning bet at IBS 2016 this year. Like so many of our customers, the Clean&Safe® team got to enjoy an extended stay in lovely Las Vegas while Winter Storm Jonas dumped ice, sleet and snow across the East Coast. We hope you all made it home safe and sound, even if it was a little later than expected.

IBS 2016 Central Hall Show FloorProtection from Winter Messes

One thing that the winter weather highlights is the definite need for surface protection on your job site. We’ve got you covered whether you’re doing a high-end remodeling job and need to protect a beautiful reclaimed hardwood floor, or you’re doing new construction and just need to keep the site clean from all the snow, mud and muck the workers track in. Clean&Safe® provides basic leak-proof, absorbent protection while Clean&Safe®Pro offers the same benefits in a more durable product. Be sure to stock up before the next storm hits – winter is far from over.

Positive Feedback on Floor Protection

Clean&Safe Booth IBS 2016It was wonderful to see so many of our current customers at IBS; we love to hear all the positive feedback about our products. It’s extremely helpful to hear about the many ways you use our surface protection products out in the field, what works and what doesn’t. We also enjoyed speaking with the many contractors and remodelers who decided to give our products a try after using other floor protection products. The most common reasons they gave us for switching were the durability of our products over rosin paper, ease of installation and reusability of our products over heavy-duty paperboard products, and the fact that our products provide slip-resistance without using an adhesive backing.

As always, IBS 2016 was exciting, educational and quite an adventure. We look forward to seeing you all next year in Orlando. In the meantime, be sure to visit us at JLC Live in Providence, RI on March 18th and 19th. Hopefully it will be a fun, blizzard-free weekend!